Program Type:
Education & EnjoymentProgram Description
Event Details
Is your internship at a big city company coming at a bad time and you need to escape to your grandpa's farm? Are your family vacations stressful because your dad is a mermaid, and your mom is a human? Did you lose your memory in a terrible accident and now you relive 4th of July over and over again? We understand. Take a break from your Hallmark life and come enjoy our completely improvised Hallmark Holiday tale.
Hallmark Holi-Improv is a completely improvised comedy show that creates a brand-new Hallmark movie that you get to see live right in front of your eyes. You also get a say in where/what is happening. This show is loads of fun and happiness. You are sure to leave with the feeling of 4th of July fireworks bursting into your own life.