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Songs, stories, and fun for toddlers and their grownups. Designed for 2 year olds with a caregiver.
Family Storytime at Carroll Creek Amphitheater
Join us at the Carroll Creek Amphitheater for storytime presented in partnership with Downtown Frederick Partnership. Enjoy stories, fingerplays, rhymes, and more.
Offsite: Storytime at Kim Weddle Park, Brunswick
Enjoy stories, songs, and rhymes at our outdoor storytime! Ages 0-5. Consider bringing a blanket for sitting on the ground. Please check back here for cancellations due to weather.
Outdoor Family Storytime at the Walkersville Library (Ages 0+)
Join us in the lawn at Walkersville Library for songs, stories, and fun for the whole family. Designed for ages 0 and up with a caregiver. Please check back here by 9am for cancellations due to weather.
Offsite: Storytime at Memorial Park, Emmitsburg
Join us for a family storytime. Enjoy storytelling, music and more! Ages 0-5. Consider bringing a blanket for sitting on the ground. Please check back here for cancellations due to weather.
Lunches available for carry-out or curbside pick-up for youth ages 0-18.
Lunch is available for pick up for youth ages 18 and under. Sponsored by the Department of Housing and Human Services.
Off Site: Storytime with Walkersville Southern Railroad
Join us for a special storytime at Walkersville Community Park located at the end of Kenneth Drive, off of Biggs Ford Rd in Walkersville.
Virtual Program: Teen-Led Computer Science for Teens (Grades 6-12)
Join us for a 10-week computer science program for teens taught by teens! Learn the basics and create fun, intricate scripts. Learn how to use Scratch and understand the binary system.