Explore the art of knitting with experienced local knitters. Learn basic techniques and make a small creation to take home. Materials provided.
For teens and adults.
Explore the art of knitting with experienced local knitters. Learn basic techniques and make a small creation to take home. Materials provided.
For teens and adults.
Shri Yoga is a calming but challenging style practiced in an informal environment. Classes include various asanas, breathing exercises, chakra vibration, mantras, and relaxation techniques. Attendees are welcome to bring their own mat.
Movement, music, stories and fun for the whole family. Designed for ages 0 and up with a caregiver.
Stories, movement, music, and fun for the entire family. Designed for ages 0 and up with a caregiver.
Play testing in-progress tabletop game designs with the designers to give feedback and have fun.
Join Professor Pavel Reznikov to learn more about the events that preceded the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and triggering of the full-scale war between the two countries.
Symphony Saturdays is designed to introduce children in first through third grade to the instrument families through hands-on demonstrations by Maryland Symphony Orchestra musicians.