Upcoming Events

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type
Library Branch
Library Branch

Primary tabs

This event is in the "Elementary" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.

Library Pop-Up at Green Valley ES Bingo Night

6:00pm - 8:30pm
Elementary, All Ages
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Elementary, All Ages
Program Type: Outreach
Event Details:

Visit your favorite library staff at our table for Green Valley ES Bingo Night!

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Offsite: Book a Librarian at the Seton Center

10:00am - 4:00pm
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Computers & Technology, Education & Enjoyment
Event Details:

Bring your own device or use the Seton Center's Computer Lab to learn more about specific questions you have in navigating technology. Topics typically covered are using a computer/tablet; getting started in Word; intro to the Internet. 

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Mead & Read Trivia at Orchid Cellar Meadery

6:00pm - 8:00pm
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Education & Enjoyment
Event Details:

Gather a team of up to 6 people for a fun night of trivia at Orchid Cellar Meadery & Winery. Questions will be inspired by Wicked by Gregory Maguire. The winning team will receive two free flights of mead.

This event is in the "Adult" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.

Maple Syrup Festival Library Visit

10:00am - 2:00pm
Adult, All Ages
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult, All Ages
Program Type: Outreach
Event Details:

This annual event highlights the history of maple syrup in Maryland. The event includes opportunities to see maple syrup demonstrations, delicious breakfast items with locally-made maple syrup, and much, much more. 

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Family Storytime

11:00am - 11:30am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Thurmont Imagination Zone
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Stories, movement, music, and fun for the entire family.  Designed for ages 0 and up with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Adult" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.

Maple Syrup Festival Library Visit

10:00am - 2:00pm
Adult, All Ages
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult, All Ages
Program Type: Outreach
Event Details:

This annual event highlights the history of maple syrup in Maryland. The event includes opportunities to see maple syrup demonstrations, delicious breakfast items with locally-made maple syrup, and much, much more. 

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Baby Storytime

10:30am - 11:30am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Songs, stories, and play for babies and their grownups. Designed for ages 0-24 months with a caregiver.   Afterwards, we offer a "stay and play" for all to enjoy.

Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Program Type: Education & Enjoyment
Event Details:

Lawyer in the Library provides free one-on-one legal advice from Maryland Legal Aid lawyers. Types of issues include:

This event is in the "Teen" group.

Teen Pot of Gold Bath Bomb! (Ages 13-18)

5:30pm - 6:30pm
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Small Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen
Program Type: Make & Create
Event Details:

Create a pot of gold bath bomb for a little luck of the Irish! Supplies limited


Sign Language Interpreter

If an american sign language (asl) interpreter is needed for an event, we ask that you contact us one week in advance to ensure that we can process this request. If you need to cancel this request, we ask that you give us one weeks' notice.
This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Preschool Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Songs, stories, and fun for preschoolers and their grownups. Designed for ages 3-5 with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Get Ready for Kindergarten

11:15am - 11:45am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Thurmont Imagination Zone
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Education & Enjoyment, Make & Create
Event Details:

Have fun exploring literacy, STEM, and art through play-based activities that integrate essential school skills.  Designed for ages 3-5 with a caregiver. 

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Night Owls: Storytime with Maryland's Dairy Princess

6:30pm - 7:00pm
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Storytime, pajama style!  The Maryland Dairy Princess - Ella Fell - will join us at storytime with a cow-themed book and activities! Enjoy movement, music, and stories with the whole family.  PJ's optional!

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Offsite Senior Center Visit

10:00am - 1:00pm
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Outreach
This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Toddler Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Designed with beginning mobility in mind, join us for movement, songs, stories and more that will guide caregivers toward early learning and literacy for toddlers.



This event is in the "Adult" group.

Book Talk at Middletown 50+ Community Center

2:00pm - 2:30pm
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Books & Authors, Outreach
Event Details:

Join Middletown Branch Librarians each month at the senior center for a topical discussion of favorite, new or trending titles. We will have a selection of items to check out and you'll have an opportunity to sign up for a library card!

This event is in the "Adult" group.

Outreach: Student Parent Evening of Wellness @ FCC

5:30pm - 7:00pm
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Adult
Program Type: Outreach
This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Musical Storytime

10:30am - 11:00am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Music, movement, stories and more! 

This event is in the "Teen" group.
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Pop-up @ Mount Saint Mary's

11:00am - 2:00pm
Teen, Adult
Around the Community
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Around the Community
Age Group: Teen, Adult
Program Type: Books & Authors
Event Details:

Join the staff of the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Libraries for a pop-up to celebrate Spring on the Mount Saint Mary's campus. Library staff will visit the quad with plenty of materials for checkout, as well as some fun games!

This event is in the "Elementary" group.

Elementary Explorers: Bee Hotels

2:00pm - 2:45pm
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Thurmont Imagination Zone
Age Group: Elementary
Program Type: Homeschool, STEM
Event Details:

Participate in a variety of experiences related to science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.  This program is designed for children in grades K - 5 and their caregivers.

This event is in the "Teen" group.

Tween Pot of Gold Bath Bomb! (Ages 9-13)

5:30pm - 6:30pm
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Small Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen
Program Type: Education & Enjoyment
Event Details:

Tweens come and create a pot of shimmering gold bath bomb for a little luck of the Irish! Supplies limited, for ages 9-13.

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.
This event is in the "Elementary" group.
This event is in the "All Ages" group.

Hop on By: Rabbits in the Library!

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Birth - 5, Elementary, All Ages
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5, Elementary, All Ages
Program Type: Education & Enjoyment, Homeschool
Event Details:

Thurmont Regional Library is hosting a fun and educational event where the Rabbit Raisers 4-H Club of Frederick County will bring rabbits for an interactive learning experience.

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Family Storytime

11:00am - 11:30am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Thurmont Imagination Zone
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Stories, movement, music, and fun for the entire family.  Designed for ages 0 and up with a caregiver.

This event is in the "Birth - 5" group.

Baby Storytime

10:30am - 11:30am
Birth - 5
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Community Room (TRL)
Age Group: Birth - 5
Program Type: Recurring Storytime
Event Details:

Songs, stories, and play for babies and their grownups. Designed for ages 0-24 months with a caregiver.   Afterwards, we offer a "stay and play" for all to enjoy.

This event is in the "Teen" group.

Teen Hot Glue and Watercolor Painting (Ages 13-18)

5:30pm - 6:30pm
Thurmont Regional Library
Library Branch: Thurmont Regional Library
Room: Small Meeting Room
Age Group: Teen
Program Type: Make & Create
Event Details:

Create a hot glue design on canvas and then bring the design to life using watercolor paints! 


Sign Language Interpreter

If an american sign language (asl) interpreter is needed for an event, we ask that you contact us one week in advance to ensure that we can process this request. If you need to cancel this request, we ask that you give us one weeks' notice.